Create a New Virtual with Hyper-V

The simplest way to create a virtual using Hyper-V and Windows 2008r2 SP1 and its Dynamic Memory feature.











Now let’s modify the dynamic memory features to allow the virtual to take advantage of the new Dynamic Memory allowed by 2008r2 SP1.




Something else important when it comes to BigFix, is the number of cores utilized when working with virtuals.  In my test lab, I don’t expect to have any more than 100 endpoints, with the typical average hovering around 60-75.  With this in mind a simple setting of 4 cores is probably overkill however I don’t like to limit my virtuals and end up waiting.



That’s it, glad you dropped by… leave your comments and questions in the comments section below!

Access denied. Unable to establish communication between ‘Client’ and ‘Server’

I was trying to connect from primary test box to my hyperv core test box via the Hyper-V MMC management tools, I kept getting "Access denied. Unable to establish communication between Client and Server".

From the command prompt of your ‘Client’ can do this by typing: ”DCOMCNFG” in the run-command in Windows.

2. Browse trough to: “Component Services > Computers > My Computer”.

3. Open Properties for “My Computer” and select the COM Security tab.

4. In “Access Permissions” area click the “Edit Limits”-button.

5. Select the “Anonymous Logon”-group and make sure the “Remote Access” is set to Allowed.

Now you client tools should connect successfully to the servers Hyper-V management.